2019년 북한자유주간
제 16 회 북한자유주간 2019
4월 28일 ~ 5월 4일
워싱턴 DC
북한자유주간 소개
‘북한자유주간’은 북한주민의 자유와 인권증진을 위한 국내외 NGO단체들의 공동 활동주간이며 매해 4월 마지막 주를 활동 시기로 정함.
2004년 4월 미국의 북한인권법 통과를 촉구하는 한, 미, 일 북한인권운동가들의 워싱턴 집회가 발단이며 서울과 워싱턴을 오가며 현재까지 진행되고 있음.
북한자유주간 내 활동은 북한주민들의 열악한 인권상황을 한국과 국제사회에 알리고 대책을 촉구하는데 초점이 맞추어져 있으며 원하는 사람은 누구나 참가할 수 있음.
올해로 16회째를 맞고 있는 북한자유주간의 명예 대회장은 ‘북한자유연합’의 슈잔 숄티 이며 조직위는 당해 행사에 참여하는 탈북자 및 시민단체 대표자가 공동으로 맡고 있음.
North Korea Freedom Week returns to Washington, D.C. this year with the 16th annual North Korea Freedom Week kicking off Sunday, April 28th with an international day of prayer and fasting for North Korea’s freedom and a wreath laying ceremony at the Korean War Memorial to be followed by a week of activities focused on promoting freedom for the people of North Korea people. This year’s theme is: Listen to the North Korean Defectors: Then You Will Know the Truth and events throughout the week will feature the testimonies of North Korean defectors to focus attention on the four major topics listed below.
Exposing Kim Jong Un’s Strategy: Latest Information from Inside North Korea
North Korean defectors who were elites in the regime will expose Kim Jong un’s strategy to maintain power and report on the latest information coming out of North Korea
Human Rights Abuses Against the DPRK Military
Eyewitnesses will expose the human rights abuses the Kim regime commits against the North Korean military from high ranking officers being publicly executed, the abuse of female soldiers and the use of the military to carry out the illegal activities for the regime
China’s complicity in the enslavement of North Korean women and children
Eyewitnesses will discuss the lack of human rights protections for North Korean women and children and how China’s complicity leads to their enslavement in both countries
How Women Created the North Korean Market System
While it is understood that North Korea now has a thriving market system, the role of North Korean women in creating that market system is underappreciated. Women who were part of the markets creation will tell their stories.